
Five anticipations on the 2009!

- TEAM Ico's Game will be reveled at E3 2009 in exclusive for PS3;
- Ubisoft will announce the Splinter Cell date release for september/october;
- R&C ToD 2 will be announce for third quarter of 2009;
- Capcom will announce Devil May Cry 5 for the end of year;
- A new Zelda game will be reveled during the first six months of 2009;


Cry-on will be release in the second half of the 2009

Cry-on is one of the three start project announced by Mistwalker during the 2005. For a long time the game was stay in the shadow, but now I know some feature of Cry-on. At the moment I can't speak about they, but I reveal you that the game will be release in the second half of 2009, probably between august and october.